Detailed view of 95-35734


ID 4
Name BN/NHsdMcwi
Type Inbred
Living False
Source MCW


Animal_name BN/NHsdMcwi_Eva
Sex F
Age adult
Euthanasia_date 2004-01-01
Source Dwinell
Note Eva, euthanized prior to 2004


ID 4512-JFI-0495
Type lung
Transfer_History Dwinell to Chen to HudsonAlpha
Note None


DNA_source 4512-JFI-0495
Platform 10X Chromium
DNA_extraction_method HMW
DNA_concentration 46
DNA_extraction_facility HudsonAlpha
Library_kit 150bp_PE
Library_facility HudsonAlpha
Sequencing_instrument HiSeq_X
Sequencing_date 2019-07-26
Sequencing_facility USUHS
Raw_data_dir_name 95-35734
Raw_data_format fastq.gz
Raw_data_file_size_GB 73
Raw_data_available_from Chen
Note None


Analysis_ID 95-35734.LR1 95-35734.GH1 95-35734.DV1
Software_name LongRanger GROC-SVs DeepVariant
Software_version 2.2.2 Udit_PR3 0.9.0-gpu
Results_dir longranger_results/0502_bn_eve_clif grocsvs_HXB /data/10_TB/deepvar
Analysis_date 2019-06-10 2020-03-02 2019-12-04
Note combined analysis of BN samples and HXB

LongRanger results

Analysis_ID 95-35734.LR1
instrument_ids E00356
gems_detected 1663567
mean_dna_per_gem 678453.1757
bc_on_whitelist 0.9009207201
bc_mean_qscore 38.15390879
n50_linked_reads_per_molecule 15
corrected_loaded_mass_ng 1.595976545
snps_phased 0.917686843
genes_phased_lt_100kb 0.8325407609
longest_phase_block 616695
n50_phase_block 73572
molecule_length_mean 45486.07931
molecule_length_stddev 43831.93164
number_reads 843174396
median_insert_size 312
mean_depth 37.43379338
zero_coverage 0.03899497909
mapped_reads 0.9384325256
pcr_duplication 0.05082629844
r1_q20_bases_fract 0.9388694239
r1_q30_bases_fract 0.8786966902
r2_q20_bases_fract 0.8728855892
r2_q30_bases_fract 0.7750261683
si_q20_bases_fract NaN
si_q30_bases_fract NaN
bc_q20_bases_fract 0.9894219075
bc_q30_bases_fract 0.9728499438
large_sv_calls 1928
short_deletion_calls 19348

Deepvariant results

index 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66
Analysis_ID 95-35734.DV1 95-35734.DV1 95-35734.DV1 95-35734.DV1 95-35734.DV1 95-35734.DV1 95-35734.DV1 95-35734.DV1 95-35734.DV1 95-35734.DV1 95-35734.DV1 95-35734.DV1 95-35734.DV1 95-35734.DV1 95-35734.DV1 95-35734.DV1 95-35734.DV1 95-35734.DV1 95-35734.DV1 95-35734.DV1 95-35734.DV1 95-35734.DV1
Chr chr10 chr11 chr12 chr13 chr14 chr15 chr16 chr17 chr18 chr19 chr1 chr20 chr2 chr3 chr4 chr5 chr6 chr7 chr8 chr9 chrX chrY
Biallelic_Deletion 28289 19110 21467 30074 28472 28150 25010 25983 21590 19704 64968 18710 60310 43428 41667 46930 37787 35175 32485 31186 40462 21
Biallelic_Insertion 33011 21894 21477 31753 30525 29849 25563 26954 23416 20200 70845 19260 65801 47066 44958 49630 40858 39138 35549 33262 40450 26
Biallelic_SNP 25625 19762 30127 25836 39430 44269 30752 29169 18698 31924 111796 16871 94147 48672 40560 46577 45837 67665 35081 41484 46269 894
Multiallelic_Complex 973 525 525 717 754 766 629 647 550 550 1977 436 1698 1235 1152 1150 975 1152 914 839 762 2578
Multiallelic_Deletion 282 136 120 251 252 254 186 196 161 153 638 134 594 375 340 309 255 291 283 271 252 495
Multiallelic_Insertion 880 457 599 622 686 632 508 596 487 551 1773 470 1470 1094 1072 1064 937 1035 807 785 671 399
Multiallelic_SNP 17 19 38 12 48 52 29 47 26 77 165 18 174 37 24 32 69 119 33 78 26
RefCall 269424 191786 171663 250418 253252 264951 206261 224283 187995 186763 685548 148206 602447 394704 379896 385266 331324 356158 297023 287327 335807
Transition 11044 8830 14152 10604 18042 21301 14031 13005 7920 15450 53200 7089 44354 21827 17838 20542 20300 33993 15551 19174 20274
Transversion 14581 10932 15975 15232 21388 22968 16721 16164 10778 16474 58596 9782 49793 26845 22722 26035 25537 33672 19530 22310 25995

Supernova results