Detailed view of 4512-JFI-0579


ID 31
Name SS/JrHsdMcwi
Type Inbred
Living False
Source MCW


Animal_name SS/JrHsdMcwi_Rat1
Sex M
Age adult
Source Geurts


ID 4512-JFI-0575
Type spleen
Transfer_History Geurts to Chen
Note None


DNA_source 4512-JFI-0575
Platform 10X Chromium
DNA_extraction_method HMW
DNA_extraction_facility HudsonAlpha
Library_kit 150bp_PE
Library_facility HudsonAlpha
Sequencing_instrument NovaSeq
Sequencing_date 2018-10-12
Sequencing_facility HudsonAlpha
Sequencing_notes S4
Raw_data_dir_name 4512-JFI-0579
Raw_data_format fastq.gz
Raw_data_file_size_GB 77
Raw_data_available_from Chen
Note None


Analysis_ID 4512-JFI-0579.LR1 4512-JFI-0579.SN1 4512-JFI-0579.DV1
Software_name LongRanger Supernova DeepVariant
Software_version 2.2.2 2.1.1 0.9.0-gpu
Results_dir longranger_results/0579_dss supernova_results/dss_denovo_multi /data/10_TB/deepvar
Analysis_date 2019-03-29 2019-04-24 2019-12-04
Note combined analysis of 4512-JFI-0579 and 4512-JFI-0580

LongRanger results

Analysis_ID 4512-JFI-0579.LR1
instrument_ids E00364
gems_detected 1614707
mean_dna_per_gem 501108.8997
bc_on_whitelist 0.9240389403
bc_mean_qscore 38.02369398
n50_linked_reads_per_molecule 5
corrected_loaded_mass_ng 1.178796236
snps_phased 0.8690549569
genes_phased_lt_100kb 0.568288519
longest_phase_block 371255
n50_phase_block 22028
molecule_length_mean 13310.15126
molecule_length_stddev 48156.54593
number_reads 790802712
median_insert_size 265
mean_depth 33.68942901
zero_coverage 0.02429804402
mapped_reads 0.927868042
pcr_duplication 0.04573654649
r1_q20_bases_fract 0.8709591578
r1_q30_bases_fract 0.7595539468
r2_q20_bases_fract 0.8534921844
r2_q30_bases_fract 0.7416727298
si_q20_bases_fract 0.9541505265
si_q30_bases_fract 0.9204502431
bc_q20_bases_fract 0.9892417478
bc_q30_bases_fract 0.9659714816
large_sv_calls 2125
short_deletion_calls 26436

Deepvariant results

index 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242
Analysis_ID 4512-JFI-0579.DV1 4512-JFI-0579.DV1 4512-JFI-0579.DV1 4512-JFI-0579.DV1 4512-JFI-0579.DV1 4512-JFI-0579.DV1 4512-JFI-0579.DV1 4512-JFI-0579.DV1 4512-JFI-0579.DV1 4512-JFI-0579.DV1 4512-JFI-0579.DV1 4512-JFI-0579.DV1 4512-JFI-0579.DV1 4512-JFI-0579.DV1 4512-JFI-0579.DV1 4512-JFI-0579.DV1 4512-JFI-0579.DV1 4512-JFI-0579.DV1 4512-JFI-0579.DV1 4512-JFI-0579.DV1 4512-JFI-0579.DV1 4512-JFI-0579.DV1
Chr chr10 chr11 chr12 chr13 chr14 chr15 chr16 chr17 chr18 chr19 chr1 chr20 chr2 chr3 chr4 chr5 chr6 chr7 chr8 chr9 chrX chrY
Biallelic_Deletion 49136 33921 33353 46634 51196 43919 36675 44746 36521 27271 107306 30972 117134 72728 73800 81798 64679 62595 53441 48153 51242 476
Biallelic_Insertion 50741 34589 31206 46631 50373 44395 36665 43031 36414 27151 108557 29733 115048 73633 73958 80392 64671 62377 54182 48575 50580 605
Biallelic_SNP 175876 143757 125834 172030 238904 183498 134534 187252 140765 94582 490156 128657 598206 294218 315875 349424 270043 288221 197277 187674 136264 2788
Multiallelic_Complex 1457 846 886 1142 1233 1133 884 1150 871 738 2903 755 2854 1843 1778 1897 1571 1643 1382 1281 768 19
Multiallelic_Deletion 2907 1624 1738 2092 2312 1802 1447 2259 1818 1231 5356 1314 5789 3590 3822 4027 3129 3394 2929 2167 1231 22
Multiallelic_Insertion 4726 2719 2905 3427 3934 3103 2422 3670 2999 2005 8729 2322 9656 6158 6153 6889 5254 5658 4680 3508 1993 48
Multiallelic_SNP 80 63 126 78 164 135 90 158 63 161 446 136 427 186 132 143 208 204 113 188 90 30480
RefCall 428161 314965 257225 392351 430905 394342 308739 366835 308304 257227 1053922 242641 1038502 657926 641385 657630 560044 562606 473599 436482 564133 1477
Transition 114293 90798 80780 103260 149187 111713 83199 120167 89724 58390 301857 82125 366634 184273 196899 217849 166381 182376 127511 115053 73658 1311
Transversion 61583 52959 45054 68770 89717 71785 51335 67085 51041 36192 188299 46532 231572 109945 118976 131575 103662 105845 69766 72621 62606

Supernova results

Analysis_ID 4512-JFI-0579.SN1
assembly_size 2347096245
barcode_fraction 1
bases_per_read 139.5
bridge_1_50 613.001
bridge_50 0.001
bridge_model_badness_of_fit 1.15491
checksum -3.36528e+18
contig_N50 29104
dinucleotide_percent 1.88374
dup_perc 16.1967
edge_N50 8419
effective_coverage 37.8188
est_genome_size 3390000000
gc_percent 42.0033
hetdist 26705
high_AT_index 0.0728453
likely_sequencers HiSeq X
lw_mean_mol_len 11755.3
m10 4.78435
median_ins_sz 287
nreads 1200041504
p10 10.2353
phase_block_N50 19077
placed_perc 56.8112
proper_pairs_perc 86.9512
q30_r2_perc 75.6337
raw_coverage 53.5313
read_rate_DF_1_threaded 31.1879
read_rate_IO_10_threaded 2820.86
read_rate_IO_1_threaded 3216.68
repfrac 11.4985
rpb_N50 460
scaffold_N50 105985
scaffolds_10kb_plus 33638
scaffolds_1kb_plus 69589
unbar_perc 7.798
valid_bc_perc 92.202