Detailed view of 4512-JFI-0507


ID 15
Name LEW/Crl
Type Inbred
Living False
Source Charles River


Animal_name LEW/Crl_Rat1
Sex M
Age adolescent
Euthanasia_date 2018-02-01
Source Charles River
Note UTHSC order 6490


ID 4512-JFI-0500
Type spleen
Transfer_History Chen to HudsonAlpha
Note None


DNA_source 4512-JFI-0500
Platform 10X Chromium
DNA_extraction_method HMW
DNA_concentration 43.8
DNA_extraction_facility HudsonAlpha
Library_kit 150bp_PE
Library_facility HudsonAlpha
Sequencing_instrument HiSeq_X10
Sequencing_date 2018-07-18
Sequencing_facility HudsonAlpha
Sequencing_notes Lanes per sample: 1
Raw_data_dir_name 4512-JFI-0507
Raw_data_format fastq.gz
Raw_data_file_size_GB 80
Raw_data_available_from Chen
Note None


Analysis_ID 4512-JFI-0507.LR1 4512-JFI-0507.DV1
Software_name LongRanger DeepVariant
Software_version 2.2.2 0.9.0-gpu
Results_dir longranger_results/0507_lewcrl /data/10_TB/deepvar
Analysis_date 2018-08-09 2019-12-04

LongRanger results

Analysis_ID 4512-JFI-0507.LR1
instrument_ids E00438
gems_detected 1529792
mean_dna_per_gem 497270.7531
bc_on_whitelist 0.907288493
bc_mean_qscore 38.36651119
n50_linked_reads_per_molecule 16
corrected_loaded_mass_ng 1.169767475
snps_phased 0.8839788125
genes_phased_lt_100kb 0.7744151105
longest_phase_block 1375884
n50_phase_block 57508
molecule_length_mean 29579.0981
molecule_length_stddev 44225.93861
number_reads 878461548
median_insert_size 343
mean_depth 38.79649135
zero_coverage 0.0250570285
mapped_reads 0.9328831955
pcr_duplication 0.05787888805
r1_q20_bases_fract 0.9417177502
r1_q30_bases_fract 0.8841550632
r2_q20_bases_fract 0.8564139384
r2_q30_bases_fract 0.7471947836
si_q20_bases_fract 0.9665939431
si_q30_bases_fract 0.941521367
bc_q20_bases_fract 0.9925661349
bc_q30_bases_fract 0.9787399872
large_sv_calls 2501
short_deletion_calls 33814

Deepvariant results

index 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198
Analysis_ID 4512-JFI-0507.DV1 4512-JFI-0507.DV1 4512-JFI-0507.DV1 4512-JFI-0507.DV1 4512-JFI-0507.DV1 4512-JFI-0507.DV1 4512-JFI-0507.DV1 4512-JFI-0507.DV1 4512-JFI-0507.DV1 4512-JFI-0507.DV1 4512-JFI-0507.DV1 4512-JFI-0507.DV1 4512-JFI-0507.DV1 4512-JFI-0507.DV1 4512-JFI-0507.DV1 4512-JFI-0507.DV1 4512-JFI-0507.DV1 4512-JFI-0507.DV1 4512-JFI-0507.DV1 4512-JFI-0507.DV1 4512-JFI-0507.DV1 4512-JFI-0507.DV1
Chr chr10 chr11 chr12 chr13 chr14 chr15 chr16 chr17 chr18 chr19 chr1 chr20 chr2 chr3 chr4 chr5 chr6 chr7 chr8 chr9 chrX chrY
Biallelic_Deletion 51267 29263 33772 38246 50463 40652 33089 45460 30773 27643 97735 29963 115481 76036 72548 82806 63215 59577 53333 46193 44442 152
Biallelic_Insertion 50587 30422 30646 38736 49087 40870 32397 43144 31227 26494 98256 28572 111323 74314 71084 79193 62284 58216 53035 46100 43952 345
Biallelic_SNP 182868 102531 125514 92485 228132 156270 97626 188208 93322 92210 397437 118408 572605 315604 299327 349242 268830 257897 197399 168544 107908 787
Multiallelic_Complex 1560 789 935 1011 1333 1092 826 1149 797 831 3013 721 2877 2039 1788 2088 1603 1653 1444 1266 664 9
Multiallelic_Deletion 3396 1307 1817 1430 2568 1698 1154 2530 1347 1343 4753 1225 6133 4360 4126 4312 3237 3428 2912 1998 820 7
Multiallelic_Insertion 6041 2250 3247 2208 4336 2671 2061 4349 2236 2223 8085 2234 10803 7353 6631 7690 5648 5907 4925 3735 1490 10
Multiallelic_SNP 112 61 142 48 147 135 72 138 52 199 387 127 482 219 137 145 329 207 109 173 78 23153
RefCall 315285 211840 204133 265073 308647 282955 218065 277739 205752 197795 768215 183503 757498 485184 454257 474639 434938 406317 347342 324987 364098 453
Transition 118675 62890 80155 52789 141560 92939 58803 120849 57837 56502 239512 74416 350560 196967 185458 217184 162003 161141 125731 101538 56836 334
Transversion 64193 39641 45359 39696 86572 63331 38823 67359 35485 35708 157925 43992 222045 118637 113869 132058 106827 96756 71668 67006 51072

Supernova results